Do Natural Stress Anxiety and Depression Supplements Really Work?

Unfortunately, millions of Americans currently suffer from the debilitating effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. In the pharmaceutical industry, anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants are among the best-selling medications on the market.

The everyday stressors faced by Americans have simply become too much for many to bear, and reasonably so. In recent years, taking an anti-anxiety medication or antidepressant has become as common as taking a multivitamin. However, the side effects and long-term effects of such medications were for the most part unknown until recently.

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Fighting Burn-out Natural Help For Stress Fatigue and Adrenal Insufficiency

The adrenal or “stress glands” are small, triangular shaped glands located on the top of the kidneys. Their function is to prepare the body’s resources to run or fight through the releasing of specific hormones. When this primitive, instinctive response is activated, blood is diverted from digestive system while our blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar levels increase. At the same time, our pupils dilate and the speed of reflexes increases. All of this happens as a way to ensure our survival.

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Minimize Stress in Your Life

Use these simple tips to minimize stress in your day to day living.

Lower your expectations and you will suffer less disappointment. Try seeing everything as already perfect and accept things as they are, then you can strive less and relax more.

Learn to say NO. Next time someone asks you to do something, before the word ‘yes’ slips out, pause, say you can’t give an answer just yet – you’ll get back to them. This technique gives you time to think. Now you can choose to say NO, calmly, politely and kindly.

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Managing Stress – Hire the Right People

Managing stress is not easy if you don’t have the right people in your business or team.

One of the biggest challenges any business owner or manager has is hiring the right people.

I’ve recently discovered a simple, inexpensive yet very effective way which will help you get it right.

This week I’ve asked Nathan Chanesman, Managing Director of Myprofile Pty Ltd. to please explain…

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Plan To Manage Holiday Stress

Everyone finds themselves stressed out during the holiday season. But for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), November through January can feel like a whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities. Lack of time management will result in undue pressure and overwhelm for the ADD adult.

One way to take the stress out of the holidays is to plan for them. These simple steps can help the ADD adult manage their time and tasks during the holiday season, thereby relieving unnecessary stress.

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Dating Online – Can Be Less Stressful

Dating is a challenge at any age and for both women and men. Ladies worry about your hair, your make-up and whether you look fat. The men worry is their tie straight (if they wear one), do they have enough money, and whether or not you will like him. Basically both sexes are worrying about whether they are liked and accepted.

Believe it or not there are things that you can do to make your date less stressful. Make your date feel comfortable. If you are throwing questions at your date, they may feel like they are on trial. Let the conversation happen naturally and most of your questions open-ended. This means that while yes and no questions while used sparingly, are fine, they can lead to stilted conversation and tension. Talk about all kinds of topics and try to engage your date in the conversation. Never force conversation.

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Tips For Less Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress? Some Tips For Having Less

We all dream of having wonderful holidays. We start each day full of the spirit of the season. We look at the lovely fresh fallen snow, and marvel at the beauty of the world. But lets face it – life can be stressful. By the time we get the kids up, dressed, and fed, referee a few morning scuffles, find lost homework, binkies, and keys, field a few phone calls, dig out the car, make our way through morning traffic, and try to get some Christmas shopping done at the local Target, the good feeling is… well, gone.

The joy and magic of the season can easily be overshadowed by obligations, responsibilities, credit card spending gone mad, and, of course, relatives. If any of this is sounding familiar, you might be asking yourself – How could we end the madness? Well, here are some tips to make the season a little jollier – or at least less cranky.

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Jump off the Stress Express – Bring Back the Holiday Spirit with Family Christmas Traditions

Twas the week before Christmas and all though the house everything was in shambles. Too much to do and not enough time. More shopping to be done, presents to wrap, cookies to bake and decorating await. Oh the hustle and bustle, the extra work and the stress. Is it any wonder you feel like the Kranks?

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Stressed at Work? How to Cope With Job Stress

Among the most common types of stress is good old-fashioned job stress and it is easy to understand why. With the economic slow-down of the last few years, employers are trying to squeeze more and more work out of their employees in order to keep their costs low and their production high. As well, with the concerns over lay-offs and downsizing, it seems that overwork is no cure for concerns about job security. Thus, the long hours, low pay, and tenuous nature of employment combine to create a situation where there is nothing you can count on except stress itself. Thus, job stress just keeps piling up until there doesn’t seem to be any way out.Unfortunately, this is all too often the case with workers and people need to learn how to manage work stress. Otherwise, you will simply drown yourself in worry and drive yourself batty with concern over your workload and your job security.

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